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"name": "Geneva, Lake (in Umatilla)", "code": "8220" }, { "name": "George, Lake", "code": "7904" }, { "name": "Gertrude, Lake", "code": "7993" }, { "name": "Get Out Creek", "code": "1109" }, { "name": "Gibson, Lake", "code": "7994" }, { "name": "Glenn Branch", "code": "1110" }, { "name": "Glona, Lake", "code": "7995" }, { "name": "Gobbler Lake", "code": "7905" }, { "name": "Gourd Lake (near Lake Norris)", "code": "7907" }, { "name": "Gourd Lake (near Mascotte)", "code": "7906" }, { "name": "Gourd Neck", "code": "7908" }, { "name": "Grace, Lake", "code": "7996" }, { "name": "Gracie, Lake", "code": "7997" }, { "name": "Grason, Lake", "code": "8258" }, { "name": "Grass Lake (east of Pine Lakes)", "code": "8221" }, { "name": "Grass Lake (west of Pine Lakes)", "code": "8222" }, { "name": "Grassy Lake", "code": "7909" }, { "name": "Green Lake", "code": "7910" }, { "name": "Griffin Flowway", "code": "1151" }, { "name": "Griffin, Lake", "code": "7998" }, { "name": "Hammond Lake", "code": "7912" }, { "name": "Hancock Lake", "code": "7913" }, { "name": "Hanes Lake", "code": "7911" }, { "name": "Hanna Lake", "code": "7914" }, { "name": "Harris Estates Canal", "code": "1147" }, { "name": "Harris, Lake", "code": "7999" }, { "name": "Hart Lake", "code": "7915" }, { "name": "Hattie Lake", "code": "7861" }, { "name": "Hattie, Lake", "code": "8000" }, { "name": "Hawk Lake", "code": "8270" }, { "name": "Haynes Creek", "code": "1111" }, { "name": "Hedges Pond", "code": "7916" }, { "name": "Helena Run", "code": "1148" }, { "name": "Herm Lake", "code": "8256" }, { "name": "Hermosa, Lake (in Eustis)", "code": "8001" }, { "name": "Hermosa, Lake (in Lady Lake)", "code": "8002" }, { "name": "Heron, Lake", "code": "8223" }, { "name": "Hiawatha, Lake (east of Lake Griffin)", "code": "8003" }, { "name": "Hiawatha, Lake (west of Lake Minneola)", "code": "8292" }, { "name": "Hickorynut Lake", "code": "7917" }, { "name": "Hidden Lake", "code": "7918" }, { "name": "Hill Lake", "code": "7919" }, { "name": "Holland Lake", "code": "8298" }, { "name": "Holly Lake (north of Lake Yale)", "code": "7920" }, { "name": "Holly, Lake (in Forest Hills)", "code": "8224" }, { "name": "Hollywood, Lake", "code": "8225" }, { "name": "Honeycut Lake", "code": "7921" }, { "name": "Hook Lake", "code": "7922" }, { "name": "Horsehead Pond", "code": "7923" }, { "name": "Horseshoe Lake (near Lake Jem)", "code": "7925" }, { "name": "Horseshoe Lake (near Minneola)", "code": "7924" }, { "name": "Horseshoe Mud Lake", "code": "7926" }, { "name": "Howard Lake", "code": "7927" }, { "name": "Huntoon Dead River", "code": "1113" }, { "name": "Idamere, Lake", "code": "8004" }, { "name": "Idlewild, Lake", "code": "8005" }, { "name": "Illinois, Lake", "code": "7928" }, { "name": "Indianhouse Lake", "code": "7929" }, { "name": "Indigo, Lake", "code": "8006" }, { "name": "Indiola, Lake", "code": "8007" }, { "name": "Island Lake (near Umatilla)", "code": "7931" }, { "name": "Island Lake (SE of Lake Louisa)", "code": "7930" }, { "name": "Island Pond", "code": "7932" }, { "name": "Ivanhoe, Lake", "code": "8009" }, { "name": "Jack Lake", "code": "7933" }, { "name": "Jacks Lake", "code": "7934" }, { "name": "Jackson, Lake", "code": "8010" }, { "name": "Jahna Clermont West Sand Mine", "code": "8239" }, { "name": "Jem, Lake", "code": "8011" }, { "name": "Jessie, Lake", "code": "8275" }, { "name": "Joanna, Lake", "code": "8012" }, { "name": "John's Lake", "code": "7935" }, { "name": "John's Pond", "code": "8282" }, { "name": "Jones Lake", "code": "7936" }, { "name": "Jordan, Lake", "code": "8013" }, { "name": "Josephine Lake (near Fruitland Park)", "code": "7937" }, { "name": "Josephine, Lake (near Umatilla)", "code": "8014" }, { "name": "Jug Lake", "code": "7938" }, { "name": "Jumping Gully", "code": "1114" }, { "name": "Juniata, Lake", "code": "7939" }, { "name": "Juniper Creek", "code": "1115" }, { "name": "Kahurski Lake", "code": "8286" }, { "name": "Katherine, Lake (near Clermont)", "code": "8293" }, { "name": "Kathryn, Lake (near Lake Kathryn Heights)", "code": "8016" }, { "name": "Keene Lake", "code": "7940" }, { "name": "Keith, Lake", "code": "8017" }, { "name": "Kess Lake", "code": "8296" }, { "name": "Kimball Lake", "code": "7941" }, { "name": "King Lake (near Astatula)", "code": "7942" }, { "name": "King, Lake (in Altoona)", "code": "8018" }, { "name": "Kings Cove", "code": "8310" }, { "name": "Kirkland Lake", "code": "7943" }, { "name": "Kitty, Lake", "code": "7944" }, { "name": "Knight Lake", "code": "7945" }, { "name": "Lady Lake", "code": "7946" }, { "name": "Lake Hiawatha Canal", "code": "1116" }, { "name": "Lake Of The Woods", "code": "8046" }, { "name": "Lake Winona Canal", "code": "1118" }, { "name": "Lappin, Lake", "code": "8019" }, { "name": "Lawbreaker Lake", "code": "8227" }, { "name": "Lee Lake", "code": "8081" }, { "name": "Lena, Lake", "code": "8020" }, { "name": "Lessman Lake", "code": "8304" }, { "name": "Lily Pad Pond", "code": "8280" }, { "name": "Lincoln, Lake", "code": "8021" }, { "name": "Linda, Lake (in Mascotte)", "code": "8228" }, { "name": "Linda, Lake (west of Lake Eustis)", "code": "8022" }, { "name": "Little Bear Lake", "code": "8082" }, { "name": "Little Bluff Lake", "code": "8083" }, { "name": "Little Camp Lake", "code": "8262" }, { "name": "Little Creek", "code": "1124" }, { "name": "Little Everglades", "code": "8084" }, { "name": "Little Flat Lake", "code": "8264" }, { "name": "Little Grassy Lake", "code": "8085" }, { "name": "Little Island Lake", "code": "8271" }, { "name": "Little Juniper Creek", "code": "1119" }, { "name": "Little Lake Blackwelder", "code": "8037" }, { "name": "Little Lake Bracy", "code": "8086" }, { "name": "Little Lake Harris", "code": "8099" }, { "name": "Little Lake Nellie", "code": "8087" }, { "name": "Little Lake Sunshine", "code": "8257" }, { "name": "Little Mary", "code": "8029" }, { "name": "Live Oak Lake", "code": "8089" }, { "name": "Loch Leven", "code": "8031" }, { "name": "Long Lake (near Okahumpka)", "code": "8032" }, { "name": "Long Lake (SE of Schoolhouse Lake)", "code": "8033" }, { "name": "Long Lake (south of Lake Louisa)", "code": "8273" }, { "name": "Lorraine", "code": "8034" }, { "name": "Lost Lake", "code": "8035" }, { "name": "Lost Lake", "code": "8036" }, { "name": "Lot's Wife, Lake", "code": "8023" }, { "name": "Lotus Lake", "code": "8259" }, { "name": "Louisa, Lake", "code": "8024" }, { "name": "Louise, Lake", "code": "8025" }, { "name": "Luana, Lake", "code": "8122" }, { "name": "Lucerne, Lake", "code": "8026" }, { "name": "Lucie, Lake", "code": "8038" }, { "name": "Lucille, Lake", "code": "8027" }, { "name": "Lucke Lake", "code": "8288" }, { "name": "Lucy, Lake", "code": "8028" }, { "name": "Lulu, Lake", "code": "8088" }, { "name": "Mack, Lake", "code": "8030" }, { "name": "Maggie, Lake", "code": "8229" }, { "name": "Mallard Lake", "code": "8328" }, { "name": "Margaretta, Lake", "code": "8090" }, { "name": "Marion, Lake", "code": "8091" }, { "name": "Marmette Canal", "code": "1137" }, { "name": "Mary, Lake (in Umatilla)", "code": "8092" }, { "name": "Mary, Lake (near Okahumpka)", "code": "8315" }, { "name": "Mathews Pond", "code": "8100" }, { "name": "May, Lake", "code": "8093" }, { "name": "Meeks Lake", "code": "8238" }, { "name": "Melton, Lake", "code": "8094" }, { "name": "Merritt, Lake", "code": "8095" }, { "name": "Merritt, North Lake", "code": "8317" }, { "name": "Middle Bear Lake", "code": "8101" }, { "name": "Middle Heard Lake", "code": "8267" }, { "name": "Mill Pond", "code": "8291" }, { "name": "Mill Stream Swamp", "code": "8102" }, { "name": "Minnehaha, Lake", "code": "8096" }, { "name": "Minnehaha/Palatlakaha Canal", "code": "1121" }, { "name": "Minneola, Lake (at Minneola)", "code": "8103" }, { "name": "Minneola, Lake (in Altoona)", "code": "8097" }, { "name": "Minneola, Lake Canal", "code": "1117" }, { "name": "Mirror Lake (east of Minneola)", "code": "8105" }, { "name": "Mirror Lake (near Dona Vista)", "code": "8106" }, { "name": "Mirror Lake (near Fruitland Park)", "code": "8108" }, { "name": "Mirror Lake (near Paisley)", "code": "8104" }, { "name": "Mirror Lake (near Umatilla)", "code": "8107" }, { "name": "Monovista Canal", "code": "1106" }, { "name": "Montgomery Lake", "code": "8109" }, { "name": "Moon Lake", "code": "8110" }, { "name": "Moss Lake", "code": "8308" }, { "name": "Mount Plymouth Lake", "code": "8111" }, { "name": "Mud Lake", "code": "8112" }, { "name": "Mud Lake (south of St. Johns River)", "code": "7811" }, { "name": "Mud Pond", "code": "8113" }, { "name": "Mule Pond", "code": "8114" }, { "name": "Mulehead Lake", "code": "8115" }, { "name": "Murphy, Lake", "code": "8039" }, { "name": "Myrtle Lake (near Leesburg)", "code": "8116" }, { "name": "Myrtle, Lake (near Eustis)", "code": "8040" }, { "name": "Nanny, Lake", "code": "8041" }, { "name": "Needham, Lake", "code": "8118" }, { "name": "Neighborhood Lakes", "code": "8119" }, { "name": "Nellie, Lake", "code": "8042" }, { "name": "Nelson's Lake", "code": "8311" }, { "name": "Nettie, Lake", "code": "8043" }, { "name": "Newark, Lake", "code": "8044" }, { "name": "Ninemile Creek", "code": "1122" }, { "name": "Norris, Lake", "code": "8045" }, { "name": "North Boat Lake", "code": "8120" }, { "name": "North Boggy Marsh", "code": "8283" }, { "name": "North Grasshopper Lake", "code": "8117" }, { "name": "North Holly Lake", "code": "8242" }, { "name": "North Twin Lake", "code": "8121" }, { "name": "Numans Lake", "code": "8230" }, { "name": "Oklawaha River", "code": "1149" }, { "name": "Old Peat Mine", "code": "8299" }, { "name": "Oleo, Lake", "code": "8231" }, { "name": "Olsen Lake", "code": "8123" }, { "name": "Orchid Lake", "code": "8237" }, { "name": "Ouida, Lake", "code": "8047" }, { "name": "Owen, Lake", "code": "8048" }, { "name": "Owens Pond (near Cassia)", "code": "8124" }, { "name": "Owens Pond (near Okahumpka)", "code": "8232" }, { "name": "Palatlakaha River", "code": "1112" }, { "name": "Palatlakaha River", "code": "1120" }, { "name": "Palatlakaha River", "code": "1123" }, { "name": "Palatlakaha River", "code": "1129" }, { "name": "Palatlakaha, Lake", "code": "8049" }, { "name": "Palm, Lake", "code": "8050" }, { "name": "Paradise, Lake", "code": "8051" }, { "name": "Park Lake (near Lady Lake)", "code": "8125" }, { "name": "Park Lake (north of Lake Yale)", "code": "8126" }, { "name": "Patterson Lake", "code": "8127" }, { "name": "Peanut Pond", "code": "8128" }, { "name": "Pearl, Lake (in Altoona)", "code": "8052" }, { "name": "Pearl, Lake (in Umatilla)", "code": "8053" }, { "name": "Perch Lake", "code": "8233" }, { "name": "Phelps Lake", "code": "8243" }, { "name": "Pike Canal", "code": "1142" }, { "name": "Pike Lake", "code": "8129" }, { "name": "Pine Island Lake", "code": "8130" }, { "name": "Pine Lake", "code": "8131" }, { "name": "Pine Meadows Lake", "code": "8132" }, { "name": "Pitt Lake", "code": "8133" }, { "name": "Placida, Lake", "code": "8054" }, { "name": "Plum Lake", "code": "8134" }, { "name": "Porter Lake", "code": "8289" }, { "name": "Pretty Lake (near Astatula)", "code": "8136" }, { "name": "Pretty Lake (of south SR 33)", "code": "8135" }, { "name": "Priest Basin", "code": "1138" }, { "name": "Pumpkin Center Lake", "code": "8137" }, { "name": "Purdum Pond", "code": "8324" }, { "name": "R. N. Spring", "code": "8234" }, { "name": "Ralph Lake", "code": "8138" }, { "name": "Red Breast Canal", "code": "1143" }, { "name": "Reed Hammock Pond", "code": "8139" }, { "name": "Rest, Lake", "code": "8055" }, { "name": "Rex Lake", "code": "8285" }, { "name": "Robbins Lake", "code": "8301" }, { "name": "Robinson Lake", "code": "8140" }, { "name": "Round Lake", "code": "8329" }, { "name": "Rusty's Pond", "code": "8141" }, { "name": "Saddle Bag Lake", "code": "8143" }, { "name": "Saint Claire Lake", "code": "8144" }, { "name": "Sallie, Lake (near Lady Lake)", "code": "8056" }, { "name": "Sally, Lake (east of Lake Louisa)", "code": "8269" }, { "name": "Sams Lake", "code": "8145" }, { "name": "Sand Hill Pond", "code": "8146" }, { "name": "Sand Lake (east of Mount Dora)", "code": "8148" }, { "name": "Sand Lake (north of Seminole Springs)", "code": "8147" }, { "name": "Sap Pond", "code": "8149" }, { "name": "Saunders, Lake", "code": "8057" }, { "name": "Saw Mill Lake", "code": "8150" }, { "name": "Sawgrass Lake", "code": "8151" }, { "name": "Sawgrass Pond", "code": "8152" }, { "name": "Schimmerhorn Lake", "code": "8153" }, { "name": "Schoolhouse Lake", "code": "8154" }, { "name": "Scott Lake", "code": "8278" }, { "name": "Scrub Jay Pond", "code": "7878" }, { "name": "Sellers Lake", "code": "8155" }, { "name": "Seminole Creek", "code": "1125" }, { "name": "Seneca, Lake", "code": "8058" }, { "name": "Serpentine Lake", "code": "8247" }, { "name": "Shady Nook Lake", "code": "8156" }, { "name": "Shag Lake", "code": "8248" }, { "name": "Shakey Lake", "code": "8157" }, { "name": "Shane Lake", "code": "8276" }, { "name": "Shell Cracker Canal", "code": "1140" }, { "name": "Shell Creek", "code": "1126" }, { "name": "Shepherd Lake", "code": "8158" }, { "name": "Sidney, Lake", "code": "8059" }, { "name": "Siena, Lake", "code": "7891" }, { "name": "Silver Glenn Sprs Run", "code": "1153" }, { "name": "Silver Lake", "code": "8159" }, { "name": "Silver Paisley Lake", "code": "8321" }, { "name": "Skinny Dip Lake", "code": "8320" }, { "name": "Smith, Lake", "code": "8060" }, { "name": "Smokehouse Lake", "code": "8330" }, { "name": "South Boat Lake", "code": "8161" }, { "name": "South Grasshopper Lake", "code": "8162" }, { "name": "South Lake", "code": "8322" }, { "name": "South Pine Lakes", "code": "8163" }, { "name": "South Twin Lake", "code": "8164" }, { "name": "Sparkling Water Lake", "code": "8165" }, { "name": "Speck Lake", "code": "8279" }, { "name": "Speckled Perch Canal", "code": "1139" }, { "name": "Spencer, Lake", "code": "8061" }, { "name": "Spring Lake (at Fruitland Park)", "code": "8166" }, { "name": "Spring Lake (near Clermont)", "code": "8167" }, { "name": "Spring Lake (north of Lake Minneola)", "code": "8168" }, { "name": "Square Lake", "code": "8169" }, { "name": "St Clair Lake", "code": "8170" }, { "name": "St. Francis Dead River", "code": "1132" }, { "name": "St. John's River", "code": "1025" }, { "name": "Stagger Creek", "code": "1127" }, { "name": "Stagger Mud Lake", "code": "8171" }, { "name": "Stewart Lake (north of Groveland)", "code": "8172" }, { "name": "Stewart, Lake (SE of Groveland)", "code": "8062" }, { "name": "Straker, Lake", "code": "8063" }, { "name": "Stump Lake", "code": "8287" }, { "name": "Sugar Lake", "code": "8313" }, { "name": "Sulphur Run", "code": "1128" }, { "name": "Summerall Lake", "code": "8173" }, { "name": "Sumner Lake", "code": "8174" }, { "name": "Sun Lake", "code": "8294" }, { "name": "Sunfish Canal", "code": "1145" }, { "name": "Sunnyside, Lake", "code": "8175" }, { "name": "Sunset Lake (in Clermont)", "code": "8176" }, { "name": "Sunset Lake (in Mascotte)", "code": "8235" }, { "name": "Sunset Pond", "code": "8312" }, { "name": "Sunshine, Lake", "code": "8064" }, { "name": "Susan, Lake", "code": "8318" }, { "name": "Swatara, Lake", "code": "8065" }, { "name": "Sylvan Lake", "code": "8178" }, { "name": "Sylvia Lake", "code": "8179" }, { "name": "Tavares, Lake", "code": "8066" }, { "name": "Teardrop 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"Unknown Name", "code": "0" }, { "name": "Victoria, Lake", "code": "8071" }, { "name": "Virginia, Lake", "code": "8072" }, { "name": "Vista Lake", "code": "8281" }, { "name": "Waldo, Lake", "code": "8073" }, { "name": "Walker Pond", "code": "8191" }, { "name": "Wallet Pond", "code": "8192" }, { "name": "Warmouth Canal", "code": "1144" }, { "name": "Wash Lake near Big Creek", "code": "8193" }, { "name": "Wash, Lake west of Lake Minnehaha", "code": "8074" }, { "name": "Wekiva River", "code": "1033" }, { "name": "West Crooked Lake", "code": "8194" }, { "name": "West Dixie Lake", "code": "8326" }, { "name": "West Heard Lake", "code": "8266" }, { "name": "Whitcomb, Lake", "code": "8075" }, { "name": "Wildcat Lake", "code": "8195" }, { "name": "William, Lake", "code": "8076" }, { "name": "Willie Lake", "code": "8196" }, { "name": "Willow, Lake", "code": "8077" }, { "name": "Wilma Lake", "code": "8197" }, { "name": "Wilson Lake", "code": "8198" }, { "name": "Wilson Marsh", "code": "8236" }, { "name": "Wilson/Cook Canal", "code": "1131" }, { "name": "Winona, Lake", "code": "8078" }, { "name": "Wise Hammock Pond", "code": "8199" }, { "name": "Wishbone Lake", "code": "8253" }, { "name": "Withlacoochee River", "code": "1980" }, { "name": "Wolf Branch", "code": "1133" }, { "name": "Wolf Branch Sink", "code": "7901" }, { "name": "Wolf Lake", "code": "8200" }, { "name": "Wolf's Head Lake", "code": "8201" }, { "name": "Woodward, Lake", "code": "8079" }, { "name": "Yale, Lake", "code": "8080" }, { "name": "Yale-Griffin Canal", "code": "1150" }, { "name": "Zephyr Lake", "code": "8202" } ], "mergePolicy": "esriMPTDefaultValue", "splitPolicy": "esriSPTDefaultValue" } }, { "name": "RampName", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "RampName", "length": 100, "domain": null }, { "name": "RampAccess", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "RampAccess", "length": 20, "domain": { "type": "codedValue", "name": "RampAccessType", "codedValues": [ { "name": "Private", "code": "Private" }, { 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