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snippet: Use this mxd to manipulate the layers published for the CityView web app. Individual city zoning and flu shoud be in a CITY layer group. Set a visible scale range so that they don't appear visible at full extent. Use the Subtype field to manage which
summary: Use this mxd to manipulate the layers published for the CityView web app. Individual city zoning and flu shoud be in a CITY layer group. Set a visible scale range so that they don't appear visible at full extent. Use the Subtype field to manage which
extent: [[-87.6439093227872,24.3288828405592],[-79.7865278823687,31.1666848721483]]
accessInformation: Various municipalities
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Shows the zoning and future land use of cities across Lake County Florida
licenseInfo: Public
title: PublicMap
type: Map Service
tags: ["CityView; FLU; Zoning; Planning"]
culture: en-US
name: CityView
guid: A91CBD5D-2C55-4E84-8F40-55753EE967A9
spatialReference: NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Florida_East_FIPS_0901_Feet