Description: Data represents the location of the Lake County Animal Services facility, geocoded against the AddressPoints feature class based on the address provided on their web page. It may be appended and added to during an emergency incident if additional animal shelters/services are opened temporarily.Created 9/24/2017
Description: Most data has an unknown origin and effective date. Adult Famility Care Home - updated 9/27/2017 per Dept. of HealthAssisted Living Faciclities - updated 9/271/2017 per Dept. of HealthDialysis Centers - updated 9/28/2017 per web pagesAmbulatory Surgery Centers - updated 9/28/2017 per web pagesHospice - updated 9/28/2017 per web pages
Description: This data represents the physical locations of various Public Works facilities that may be needed in and emergency event. The addresses were geocoded against the AddressPoints feature class based on a list provided by Public Works.Created 9/25/2017Last Reviewed: 5/14/2018Last Updated: 5/14/2018
Description: Sandbags are the first line of defense in heavy rain and flooding emergencies. Lake County and several municipalities provide these bags and the sand to fill them when needed. This dataset shows those pickup locations, along with any comments the citizen may need in receiving them.Last Reviewed: 6/25/2018Last Edited: 6/25/2018
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: LCFR; various municipalities; LCGIS