Description: This layer was created from the control lines used to construct the parcel base-layer and represents PLSS township/range lines.
Note that this layer and the parcels may not match exactly.
Description: This layer was created from the control lines used to construct the parcel base-layer and represents the PLSS section lines. However, some variance from the control lines was necessary in order to create a polygon feature class.
Description: This layer represents those properties owned by the Lake County Board of County Commissioners and includes land as well as buildings and other facilities.
Description: This layer represents the overall jurisdictional boundary of each municipality in Lake County, FL. It was created by merging individual annexation polygons and can be used to show the extent of municipal jurisdiction. Source data comes from each municipality as they annex property.
Description: This data set represents individual properties that have been annexed by various municipalities in Lake County, FL. Each polygon contains the name of the municipality, the offical record book and page where the annexation was recorded, the city ordinance that annexed the property, and the date of annexation.
This data can be useful for historic research. If an overall jurisdictional boundary is needed, please use the CityLimits data set.
Description: This data set represents the locations of all public libraries in the Lake County Library System. The locations are based on the addresses listed on the Lake County Libraries web page.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Lake County Library System; Lake County GIS
Description: This point file represents Hospitals in Lake County. It was based on legacy data and updated with new address information acquired from the phone book and cross checked against 2009 aerial photography
Description: This data set represents Hospital Taxing Districts in Lake County, Florida as defined in FL House Bill No. 943 and FL Senate BIll No. 2308. These districts were created and established as independent special taxing districts in Lake County to ensure continued hospital services for the residents of lake County.
Description: This layer represents the locations of fire hydrants in Lake County, FL. It is a work in progress and is continually updated as new information is obtained.
type: esriFieldTypeString
, alias: UtilityOwner
, length: 50
, Coded Values:
, ...9 more...
Description: Point feature class that stores the location of water access points for pump trucks in areas where no hydrants are available. These water sources can be lakes, tanks, wells, or other reservoirs that are capable of supplying water for fire suppression.
Description: These boundary lines represent the at-large commission districts established in 2011 and based on the 2010 census data for Lake County, FL.